Voting Quick Links

Register online
If you are at least 18 years old and a U.S. Citizen that lives in TN. Print this voter registration form and submit by mail.
Absentee voting
Lincoln County voters can easily submit their absentee by-mail ballot by printing and submitting this form
Polling locations
To find your polling location, hours, sample ballot, and register to vote download the GoVoteTN App

Candidate Information


Election Commission

Administrator of Elections:
Shelia Allen
208 Davidson Street East, Room 106, Fayetteville, Tennessee 37334
(931) 433-6220 • FAX: (931) 433-9308
Hours: Monday - Friday • 8:00 am - 4:00 pm


Melissa Beddingfield
Beth Bryan

Machine Technicians

Bobby Driesner
Micky Lawson

Election Commission

Dan Long, Chairman
Eddie Wilson, Secretary
Karen Avilla, Member
Dale Thomas, Member
Will Locke, Member